Events and nightclubs worldwide, especially DJ driven ones, struggle with a variety of level issues, and we have developed a family of three unique audio tools that can solve these issues.
From DJs overdriving/redlining mixers, to managing bass/sub levels or just keeping a totally consistent loudness on or offsite without a compressor or limiter spoiling the sound. Our unique solutions have it covered.
Meet the family...
The LEVELIZA is a totally new type of product, and proving to be a real game changer worldwide.
It maintains consistent mean loudness levels without any compromise in quality or dynamic range of the signal.
No compression, no pumping, no drifting of levels between different types of music or tracks, just totally inaudible and transparent level control as if a human engineer was attending the fader.
The BASSWATCH is a totally new type of product.
It consistently controls the maximum levels of sub and low bass frequencies without compromise in quality or dynamic range of the bass, and without any effect on the content above 100hz.
There is no compression, no pumping, no drifting of bass levels, just totally inaudible and transparent sub/bass level control.
The TLM 1 (also known as TOLEM) is a totally new type of product
It features an array of unique tools specifically designed to work seamlessly together to provide complete and transparent control of average loudness levels, maximum loudness levels and sub/bass levels.
Finally a solution - RED ALERT has proven to be an effective way of preventing DJs running their levels into the red, and is a unique product, we do not know of any other device that is so simple and effective at solving this universal issue.